San Juan Children’s Education Foundation

Upcoming Events

Our Foundation’s Mission

The Foundation mission is to raise funds from which gifts and grants are made for the benefit of the students of San Juan Elementary School to facilitate a heightened learning experience which otherwise would not be possible.

La Mission de la Fundación

La misión de la Fundación es recaudar fondos para generar donaciones y subsidios monetarios con el objeto de beneficiar a los alumnos de la Escuela Primaria San Juan y facilitar una amplia variedad de oportunidades de aprendizaje las cuales de otra manera no serían posibles.

More about San Juan Elementary

Two-Way Immersion Program - In September 2004, our school was selected to implement a Two-Way Language Immersion program.  Beginning in Kindergarten, native Spanish-speaking and native English-speaking students study together to become bilingual and biliterate. This program offers our students the priceless gift of fluency and literacy in two languages:  English AND Spanish.

Title 1 School – Our school is located across from the San Juan Capistrano Historic Mission and is made up of a diverse group of children from San Juan Capistrano and surrounding cities. Over 64% of the families at our school currently qualify as low income. Title 1 schools must fundraise. Since every student must be granted equal opportunity to attend school field trips, Title 1 schools must fundraise.

The San Juan Children’s Education Foundation (SJCEF) has a yearly fundraising goal of $100,000 to help make sure every student has the opportunity to achieve academic success!

Programs sponsored by the foundation/ Programas financiados for la fundación

*Every year may vary depending on the specific needs of the school.

  • 5th grade Outdoor Science School (OSS)

  • Roary Incentive Store for students

  • Cougar Grants (to support the needs of teachers, programs, etc)

  • Librarian

  • Needed Technology

  • School Musical

  • Silvia Mazzeo Pule Scholarship (providing scholarships to students graduating high school who benefited from this two-way immersion education)

Help us send our 5th graders to Outdoor Science School!

Outdoor science school engages students by immersing them in nature and bringing science to life. The cost ranges from $45,000- $55,000 depending on the number of students and how many nights they get to stay.

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