Join our Foundation’s mission to enhance the learning opportunities of all children at San Juan Elementary School.

Fundraising Initiatives

  • Outdoor Science School (OSS)

    Each year, 5th grade students have the opportunity to attend Outdoor Science School. Through daily activities, students are able to immerse themselves in nature and bring science to life.

    Students look forward to this experience in their last year of attendance at San Juan Elementary School.

    ALL students receive the opportunity to attend because of the funds raised by the San Juan Children’s Education Foundation.

  • School Resources

    Funds raised by the Foundation contribute towards special programs at San Juan Elementary to enhance the learning experience of students.

    Through Cougar Grants, the Foundation supports incentives for the Roary Store on campus that reinforces the PBIS (Positive Behavior and Intervention Support Program) school approach. Students are able to earn prizes and awards from the Roary store to support respect, responsibility and readiness to learn.

    The Foundation also supports additional hours for the school librarian and technological needs to enrich the learning and academic achievement.

  • Annual School Musical

    Every year, children from San Juan Elementary are able to audition for participation in the annual musical.

    The Foundation contributes towards the operating costs of the musical so the experience can continue to be offered to students.

  • Silvia Mazzeo Pule Scholarship Award

    SJCEF has established a scholarship award in honor and celebration of Silvia Mazzeo Pule’s lifetime achievement as an educator and commitment to bilingual education. As a teacher and principal, Señora Pule was the heart and soul of San Juan Elementary School who tirelessly worked to create a program where students of diverse cultures worked together to become bilingual and biliterate.

    San Juan Children’s Education Foundation, San Juan Elementary School, and Silvia Mazzeo Pule continue their solid commitment to educating the leaders of our future.

    We hope this scholarship award will bring students one step closer to realizing their academic dreams.